15 Things To Know About Red Flags In a Relationship


At the beginning of a relationship, when there are little or no expectations, things are normally better. When the couple is first together, it is natural only to see your partner’s great qualities until problems begin to arise. However, said Who can avoid problems if the couple learns to look out for red flags in a relationship that may put them in trouble.

Knowing smaller indications will help the couple rebalance their priorities and get their relationship back on track. In most cases, the couple will encounter more than one relationship red flag. When their relationship becomes unhappy, unfulfilling, and unhealthy, it is time for the couple to pause for a moment and try to find the right balance in their relationship.

relationship red flags

Increased conflict, lack of time together, and elevation of anger, resentment, or distance are some red flags in a relationship that most people tend to ignore or cannot identify. Here are some of the most common red flags in a relationship every couple needs to figure out and cope with.

Doing All the Work

In most cases, this happens with women when they start doing all the hard work, and their partner is almost not investing in the relationship as they should. As a result, women feel they are taken advantage of and will seek constant reassurance from their partners. However, this reassurance is usually momentary and fleeting.

When Sorry Becomes the Hardest Word

When a person cannot see that they have done something wrong, it becomes hard for them to apologize. By not admitting that they have made a mistake, the person is unwilling to apologize, and more issues begin to emerge, possibly ruining the entire relationship.

Being Too Private

Keeping information out in the open will make both partners lose their sense of trust. While keeping a private space is healthy, being too private will probably make the other person feel suspicious and sabotage the entire relationship.

Silent Communication

This normally happens when one of the partners finds it difficult to express how they feel. They find it uneasy about spelling out their emotions, so they communicate through moodiness, or sometimes even by giving their partner the silent treatment.

Being with a Drama Queen

Drama queens always tend to look for faults in their partners and get them exposed. If they cannot find a critical flaw in their significant other, they attempt to find faults in someone else to keep the drama going.

Having Problems with Significant Family Members or Friends

Hearing criticism about a new partner may not be welcome, but it is always a good idea to get a third perspective that may help you see things more clearly. It is hard to be objective, especially when overexcitement prevails at the beginning of a relationship. So the couple should listen to what others are saying about this significant other.

Playing Victim

Blaming others for previous break-ups is also one of many red flags in a relationship. Considering other aspects, chances are low that it merely happened because of someone else’s fault. It is unfair to think that only one of the couples caused the end of the relationship without the other contributing to its failure.

Arguing All the Time

If someone is always picking up arguments with you, they are probably looking for a fight. Compliments evident at the beginning of the relationship are now turning into complaints. In this stage, couples are advised to fix things before turning cynical and negative.

Lack of Trust

Giving out the other’s secret and exposing the other person will only increase the tension and make it hard for the couple to manage the relationship. Lying is also another form of violating trust. Lying to the other person removes any sense of truth and triggers a sense of insecurity between the couple.

Controlling Behaviour

One couple may be jealous of the other’s relationships or only need to control and limit their partner’s world. To control their partner, the person follows the “divide and conquer strategy.” The plan is to keep them away from their friends and family or even, in some extreme cases, make their partner choose them over any other significant person.

Feeling Insecure

Insecurity emerges when one or both partners start having doubts about where they are standing in the relationship. They feel they are not moving forward or building on their experiences and begin to feel uncomfortable about the progress of their relationship. Normally, one of the partners does double the work, while the other puts very little contribution into the relationship.

Having Loose Ends

Some people constantly complain about how things ended up in their past relationships, always blaming others. They refuse to take any responsibility for their role in the relationship’s failure. Chances are, if they have done it before, they are likely to repeat it with you.

Being Built on Need

If a relationship is mostly built on fulfilling one’s needs or on the desire to feel needed, there will be little space for real growth. One of the partners feels that the other must do certain things to feel secure or needed without actively contributing to the success of the shared relationship. This may let the other person feel they are taken advantage of to fill a certain role or fulfill a specific need.

When Laughter Becomes Rare, and Surprises Are Less

Happy couples love to laugh together and enjoy life despite the stresses they encounter. But when laughter is rare, it becomes harder for the couple to keep the relationship going. Also, when they stop surprising each other, they are not allowing room for excitement. They will probably try to fight the routine through someone else or other activities that do not involve their significant other.

Wanting to Modify the Other’s Personality

Judging your significant other’s looks or trying to alter their personality to fit yours is unfair in all sorts of relationships. It conveys that the other person is not enough for you and does not fulfill your needs.

Our first encounters with intimate relationships are normally more difficult because we are still new in the experience. We do not know what we are doing or what to expect, so we most likely fall victim to red flags in a relationship.

Most people try to cope without seriously addressing the issues they encounter throughout their relationship. However, red flags in a relationship do not have to be a nightmare for the couple. When each partner has a better understanding of their values, beliefs, and emotions, they are more able to handle red flags in a relationship to make their present experience more successful than previous ones.

I'm Johan, a Freelance Content Creator & Content Writer from Bath, helping brands and businesses connect with their ideal clients.

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