Let’s Quit Smoking Today


People who want to quit smoking don’t usually realize what a huge step this might be. Quitting smoking is said to be the hardest thing globally, and this comes from constantly-updated statistics. Psychiatrists warned smokers that the psychological effects of nicotine withdrawal are as bothersome as the physical ones.

It’s a long journey ahead. However, you should use the excessive material and readings available on the Internet, which would -hopefully- make the quitting process easier for you. Make a mental note to take advantage of all the useful (free) information -regarding smoking cessation- available online today.

How to Build a “Quit Smoking” Timeline

quit smoking

The first knowledge tip regarding quitting smoking is to build a timeline for quitting smoking. Timelines help people achieve goals because it allows the brain to adjust to its algorithms, creating motivation and enthusiasm to move forward. You can also test yourself to the fullest extent and compare your losses and triumphs.

A “quit smoking” timeline helps people realize they are serious about getting rid of this addiction. This also helps people challenge themselves and set goals for their quitting process.

Hang Around People Who Do Not Smoke

Smoking is an addiction, just like heroin and cocaine. With that being said, company matters in kicking this habit to the curb. It is best to stay away from smokers while starting to quit smoking. Most people smoke socially or due to peer pressure, so stay away from them to avoid getting stuck in situations where you can’t refuse a casual smoke.

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You will find a lot of smoke-free environments. Restaurants, bars, libraries and movie theatres are only a few places where you can hang out and enjoy a clean, healthy way to pass the time.

Benefits of Quitting Smoking

  1. Among the first advantages of quitting smoking is improving your mortality. That is, living longer. Most smokers die prematurely from smoking-related diseases such as lung cancer, heart disease and chronic bronchitis.
  2. You will have healthy teeth. White, shiny teeth make a good impression on people. Not to mention how your breath will smell better, and you will protect yourself from getting many gum diseases.
  3. Your fertility improves astoundingly. Smoking makes sperms less potent and damages the linings of the womb. Both men and women can easily have babies if they quit smoking.
  4. Regain your sense of smell and taste. It is commonly known that tobacco dulls the sense of taste and smell, leading to eating poorly, socializing less and feeling worse.
  5. Your breathing regains normalcy gradually. As a smoker, you would easily realize how you fail to breathe clearly and deeply. After quitting, coughing and shortness of breath diminish, and you can enjoy exercising to a greater extent.

What Happens When You Quit Smoking?

When people quit smoking, they immediately go through nicotine withdrawal symptoms. These could be pretty severe, and ex-smokers would need all the emotional and medical help. The local rehabilitation centre, counseling centers, and support groups offer various methods of making the nicotine withdrawal symptoms more tolerable.

When people stop smoking for good, they can go through some (or all) of the following symptoms starting 2-3 hours after they stop smoking:

  1. Increased appetite.
  2. Intense craving for nicotine.
  3. Anxiety and depression.
  4. Sweating, nausea and vomiting.
  5. Increased heart rate and blood pressure.
  6. Increased salivation.
  7. Drowsiness and insomnia.
  8. Nightmares and night terrors.
  9. Feeling tense, irritable or stressed out all the time.
  10. Lack of concentration and distraction.

How to Quit Smoking Weed

Smoking tobacco is a whole different story from smoking weed.

For starters, marijuana contains more tar than tobacco. Marijuana is not as physically addictive as tobacco, but it is still physically and psychologically addictive. Marijuana smokers don’t chain smoke, as opposed to tobacco smokers. There have also been no documented lung cancer cases resulting from marijuana smoking.

Lung cancer is one of the first causes of death of nicotine addicts, a.k.a tobacco smokers. On the other hand, high doses of marijuana might result from habituation or abuse, resulting in toxic psychosis, which causes hallucinations, delusions and depersonalization.

Generally speaking. However, scientists prove that smoking any plant is harmful to your health because it increases the number of lesions in the small airways in your lungs.

When somebody decides to quit smoking marijuana, they could benefit from the following tips:

  1. Recognize withdrawal symptoms and cravings.
  2. Throw away your “pot-smoking” paraphernalia, including lighters, matches, bongs and your secret stack, whether in seeds, weed or roaches.
  3. Stay away from your group of “getting high” buddies. Socialize with other people who don’t smoke weed.
  4. Engage in various activities. Don’t feel bored or alone or miss getting high.
  5. Change your daily pattern. Feel the change in your life after coming clean off weed.
  6. Get enough rest.
  7. Eat three meals a day and avoid getting hungry.
  8. Start a new hobby. Take a dancing class or an educational course.
  9. Practice breathing techniques for managing urges.
  10. Whenever you feel the urge to get a high, shower, drink a glass of water or go swimming.


To quit smoking means to be willing to fight every day of your life. It would help if you were encouraged every day to stop smoking and be happy. You have to be encouraged to be much better when you quit smoking.

Cigarettes are poisonous substances marketed as tools to pass your leisure time. It’s up to you to take control of your life and pass your free time doing something that would make you happy and wouldn’t involve puffs of smoke.

I'm Johan, a Freelance Content Creator & Content Writer from Bath, helping brands and businesses connect with their ideal clients.

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