How to Lose Weight and Keep Your Health


There are hundreds of diet plans and books on the market with information regarding how to lose weight. Many of the new weight loss plans that come out are similar to those that have gone before, with some slight variations. There is no magic bullet or secret to losing weight.

How to Lose Weight

Weight loss comes down to healthy food choices, limiting portion size, and including exercise in your routine. The following information discusses these basic principles of weight loss and how to incorporate a plan into your life that fits your individual needs.

Creating a Healthy Diet

When figuring out how to lose weight fast yet in a healthy way, the best place to start is with healthy foods. The two categories of food that should make up the bulk of your diet are proteins and vegetables. Women’s Health explains the benefits of eating a diet rich in protein. The best protein sources include lean meat, most fish, beans, and particular dairy products like cottage cheese.

Food high in protein takes more work for your body to digest and use. This means more calories are used processing them in your body, and it keeps you feeling full longer. Protein is also essential in making sure you lose fat and not muscle.

Besides protein, vegetables should make up a large part of your daily diet. Nearly all vegetables contain beneficial nutrients and are suitable for most weight loss programs. However, some veggies offer fantastic health benefits and aid in weight loss. According to the website Food and Weight Loss, the following are ten vegetables that should be part of your weight loss plan.

  • Cabbage – This vegetable fights cancer and is low in calories.
  • Cauliflower – Cauliflower has Vitamin C, K, and B6. It’s also low in calories.
  • Broccoli – This super veggie is high in Vitamin C and rich in fiber.
  • Mushrooms – They are low in calories and contain a small amount of protein as well.
  • Onions – These veggies are great for seasoning and go with almost anything.
  • Peppers – Peppers are good sources of both Vitamin A and C.
  • Celery – Celery consists mainly of water and is one of the lowest-calorie vegetables.
  • Tomatoes – Tomatoes are high in lycopene and can be eaten in a variety of ways.
  • Spinach – This vegetable is high in iron and tastes great hot or cold or in a salad.
  • Cucumbers – This high water veggie tastes good in salads or alone as a snack.

Besides lean protein and veggies, it’s a good idea to round out your diet with fruits, healthy carbohydrates, and dairy choices. While it isn’t necessary to completely cut out any particular food group when trying to lose weight, it’s usually beneficial to weight loss to stay away from too much white bread and processed carbs.

Whole grains are a good choice when consuming carbohydrates. Brown rice, barley, granola, and rolled oats are examples of healthy carbs. In addition, low-fat cheeses and yogurts are good sources of calcium. Make certain yogurts don’t have a lot of added sugars, however.

Cutting Out Unhealthy Foods

Most fast food, junk food, and processed foods need to be eliminated when losing weight. While some nutrition in this category may be acceptable when eaten in moderation, you need to pay careful attention to ingredients and how the food is prepared. Unhealthy foods cause weight gain due to fat and empty calories but can cause us to retain water and become bloated.

Sometimes cutting out excess salt in the diet is how to lose water weight. However, consuming too much salt can cause water gain but can be unhealthy for blood pressure. The website Nutrition2success lists several items as some of the worst foods to eat and should be eliminated when losing weight.

  • Donuts – These delicious treats are cheap and easy to eat on the run. They are also loaded with sugar, flour and are deeply fried. Donuts leave you to “crash” after the sugar rush stops. This is turn, leaves you hungry and more susceptible to overeating.
  • Soda – The average soda has 8 to 10 teaspoons of sugar and about 150 calories. These are empty calories with little nutritional value.
  • French Fries – Most fried foods are high in fat and calories and low on nutrition. Most of the oils used in frying are culprits that lead to various health problems, including weight gain.
  • Processed Snacks – Most chips and other processed snacks are high in trans fats.

Understanding Portion Control

Portion sizes, especially in restaurants, have grown more prominent through the years. Limiting portion sizes can be difficult at first. But, according to FitDay, your body will eventually become conditioned to eating smaller portions, making it easier to feel full after you’ve gotten used to eating less. Many people even feel better after eating moderate amounts instead of stuffing themselves.

Slight to middle portions can still provide adequate energy while not making you feel tired and sluggish. And, ultimately, smaller pieces will lead to weight loss. But, some people may ask, how many calories should I eat to lose weight?

When it comes to figuring out how many calories to lose weight you need to consume, several variables are to take into account. Most calorie counters that calculate the number of calories consumed in a single day consider several factors.

These usually include gender, height, weight, and activity level. For example, the Calorie King calorie counter figured that a 35-year-old female who was 5 foot 5 inches tall, weighed 180 pounds, and took part in light activity each day should eat between 1300 and 1500 calories each day to lose weight when figuring out your plan regarding how to lose weight, filling up with protein and veggies while limiting portions is still crucial to success.

Making Exercise a Regular Part of Your Life

Regular exercise is crucial for losing weight and then maintaining a healthy weight but provides many other health benefits. The Mayo Clinic lists seven benefits of physical activity. The first that’s listed is that regular physical activity will help individuals control weight.

Physical exercise burns calories and raises your metabolism. There is even evidence that your metabolic rate will remain elevated for sometimes several hours after you have finished exercising.

The more intense the exercise becomes, the more calories that Who can burn. However, it is essential to start with moderate exercise a few times a week if you’re not used to participating in any exercise program. It’s also recommended to see your doctor before beginning a workout routine.

The best exercise routine to engage in is something you enjoy doing and will therefore stick with regularly. Some people join health clubs and get fit using exercise equipment.

This is an excellent way to get in shape, but there are many other exercise options to choose from. Playing tennis, swimming, dancing, or just taking regular walks are all great examples of ways to exercise.

According to the Harvard School of Public Health, brisk walking is one of the easiest and best exercise routines to start.

For most people walking is easy, inexpensive; who can do it almost anywhere, and people can create their routine regarding how fast or long they walk.

Whatever combination of foods and exercise you choose, remember to keep your diet high in protein and vegetables while limiting bad carbohydrates, processed foods, and fast food. Incorporate moderate exercise that is enjoyable and is appropriate for your level of physical fitness.

Keeping calories in the range necessary for your height, weight, and age is also part of a healthy weight loss plan. Finally, keeping portions small to moderate will enable you to maintain optimum energy levels without feeling sluggish.

I'm Johan, a Freelance Content Creator & Content Writer from Bath, helping brands and businesses connect with their ideal clients.

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