The Health Benefits of Goat Milk vs. Cow Milk


The greatest health benefit of goat milk is that it is closer to breast milk than cow milk is!

This is due to its chemical makeup, which also makes it easier to digest and assimilate in the human body.

Is milk in general good for our diet?

To begin with, this common dairy drink can be a challenge for our bodies to digest. For some people, it’s even more inflammatory than gluten.

But I don’t stay away from milk altogether. In fact, goat milk is one of my favorite dairies. Read on to learn why this drink is far superior to its cow counterpart.

Goat milk nutritional profile will take you aback

Check out all that 1 full glass of goat milk has to offer:

  • Saturated Fat: 6.5 grams / 33% RDV*
  • Carbohydrates: 11 grams / 4% RDV
  • Protein: 10.9 grams / 4% RDV
  • Cholesterol: 27 milligrams / 9% RDV
  • Sugars: 11 grams
  • Sodium: 12 milligrams / 5% RDV
  • Calories: 168


  • Magnesium: 34.2 milligrams / 9% RDV
  • Calcium: 327 milligrams / 33% RDV
  • Phosphorous: 271 milligrams / 27% RDV
  • Potassium: 498 milligrams / 14% RDV
  • Copper: 0.1 milligrams / 6% RDV
  • Zinc: 0.7 milligrams / 5% RDV


  • Vitamin C: 3.2 milligrams /5% RDV
  • Vitamin A: 483 IU / 10% RDV
  • Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin): 0.3 milligrams / 20% RDV
  • Vitamin D: 29.3 IU / 7% RDV

*Recommended Daily Value

Goat milk benefits

1. Goat milk is easier to digest.

While cow and goat milk have equal fat content, goat milk has smaller fat globules, making it simpler to digest. Once it reaches your stomach, the protein in goat milk forms a softer curd than cow milk ­— only about 2% of goat milk is curd, compared to about 10% in cow milk — helping your body to digest it with less bowel irritation than cow milk.

Goat milk also contains less lactose, or milk sugars, than cow milk. Because many people have trouble digesting cow milk and aren’t actually allergic to lactose — goat milk can be a viable option.

2. Goat milk has fewer allergenic proteins and causes less inflammation.

Most people who are intolerant of cow milk are actually sensitive to one of the proteins found in it, namely A1 casein, and actually lack the ability to digest A1. Additionally, cow milk is the number 1 allergen among children and can persist throughout adulthood. That’s because it contains more than 20 different allergens (including A1 casein) that can cause allergic reactions — often confused for seasonal allergy symptoms— which can range from hives In newborns, runny noses can lead to tummy cramps and colic.

So what’s the big deal with A1 casein? For certain people, this protein causes severe inflammation, which is at the foundation of most disorders. A1 casein can contribute to gastrointestinal issues like irritable bowel syndrome, Crohn’s disease, leaky gut and colitis — and some less obvious problems, like acne, autoimmune diseases and skin issues like eczema.

While there are some cows that don’t produce A1 casein, namely Jersey and Guernsey cows, the majority of bovines in the U., Western Europe and Australia are Holstein and Fresian, which are A1 casein producers.

On the contrary, milk containing largely or entirely A2 casein has none of these inflammatory effects. Goat milk contains only A2 casein, making it, protein-wise, the closest milk to human breast milk.

In fact, one study suggests that goat milk, when used as the first protein after breastfeeding, is less allergenic for babies than cow milk.

3. Goat milk is high in calcium and fatty acids but low in cholesterol.

While cow milk is often touted as one of the main calcium abundant foods, there’s no need to worry about not getting enough of calcium when switching to goat milk. It’s actually richer in the mineral, with about 33 % of the daily recommended value versus 28% in cow milk!

Goat milk also has high levels of medium-chain fatty acids — 30–35% as opposed to 15–20% in cow milk. These fatty acids provide an energy boost that isn’t stored as body fat, help lower cholesterol, and can even help treat conditions like coronary diseases and intestinal disorders.

But wait—there’s more to goat milk! Goat milk helps to raise “good” cholesterol levels while lowering harmful ones. In fact, it has therapeutic effects similar to olive oil and is suggested for controlling excessive cholesterol levels.

4. Goat milk keeps skin looking good.

The fatty acids and triglycerides found in goat milk not only keep your insides running smoothly, but they help you look great on the outside, too. Their moisturizing qualities help keep skin baby soft.

Goat milk is also strong in vitamin A, which can help with complexion, acne, and overall skin health. In fact, it should be considered one of the home remedies for acne. The lactic acid found in goat milk helps your body to get rid of dead skin cells and brightens your skin tone. No more pasty face!

Because goat milk has a pH level similar to humans, it’s absorbed by the skin with less irritation and helps keep bacteria at bay. Say goodbye to pimples too!

5. Goat milk absorbs nutrients and minerals better than cow milk.

Moo-ve over, cows. While goat and cow milk might rank similarly for mineral content, goat milk might still be the winner.

That’s because early studies have found that nutrients like iron, calcium, magnesium and phosphorous were more easily digested and used by the body in goat milk than in cow milk.

Because of the minerals’ bioavailability, goat milk appears to be a viable therapy for nutritional deficiencies such as anaemia and bone demineralization. It can also aid with iron and magnesium shortages, which are all too frequent. In fact, researchers recommend that people with malabsorption disorders, anaemia, osteoporosis, or who have been taking iron supplements for a long time drink goat milk on a regular basis.

Regular consummation of goat milk enhances the body’s ability to use iron and boosts regeneration of hemoglobin, making it a safe and natural way to treat osteoporosis and combat anemia. Its high zinc and selenium content also helps to avoid neurological disorders.

Goat Milk vs. Cow Milk

So how does goat milk stack up against cow milk? Take a peek at our sheet:

Goat milk

Pros: When you look at how human digestive system works, you can see how a gut problem like ‘leaky gut’ can so easily crop up. Fortunately, goat milk is easily digestible by the body, making it a great option for those with gastrointestinal problems.

Goat milk is also better digested by lactose intolerant individuals and does not produce inflammation in the same way that cow milk does. It’s also a good alternative for youngsters after they’ve finished nursing because it has less allergies than cow milk.

Cons: Because it’s not as common, goat milk can be substantially more expensive than cow milk, causing sticker shock at the onset. Raw goat milk, which is the healthiest for you, can be hard to acquire outside of health food stores and farmers markets. The taste and smell might not also be pleasing to everyone, particularly those raised with cow milk.

Cow milk

Pros: Regular cow’s milk is affordable and commonly accessible.If you can get your hands on A2 casein cows’ milk from Jersey and Guernsey cows, you may reap many of the same advantages as goat milk drinkers do, making it a good choice for individuals who can’t get used to the taste of goat milk.

For people who can’t give up their cow milk, I highly recommend raw milk over pasteurized one. The raw milk benefits include: glowing skin health, fewer allergies, and weight loss.

Cons: A2 cow milk is difficult to come across in many areas and usually has the price tag to prove it. And whether it’s A1 or A2, cow milk is still more difficult for the body to digest, taking hours versus about 30 minutes with goat milk. For those with cow milk allergies — and this is a big group — this type of milk just isn’t an option.

If you have any gastrointestinal issues, leaky gut or irritable bowel syndrome, you might want to keep away from cow milk anyway. If you want to find out if you have such a problem, you can take the leaky gut test to find out.

But what about sheep’s milk?

Sheep milk is another viable option for milk production. This creamy milk is quite comparable to goat milk. In many circumstances, it is healthier. One cup of sheep milk has more calcium, carbs, and protein than goat milk. Sheep milk has more vitamins and minerals than goat and cow milk, including vitamin B12, C, folate, and magnesium.

Like goats’ milk, sheep’s milk is easily digestible by the body, thanks to small fat globules that make it easier on your digestive tract. It contains similar levels of short- and medium-chain fatty acids as goat milk, so it is less irritating. And those who can’t get used to the taste of goat milk might prefer sheep milk – it’s less tangy.

So why isn’t everyone gulping down sheep milk?

Many people dislike it because of the excessive fat content. While the lipids are primarily monounsaturated and polyunsaturated (good-for-you fats), one cup has about twice as much as cow and goat milk, which is a major worry for individuals managing their fat consumption.

Sheep milk is also considerably difficult to get. While goat milk is slowly making its way onto supermarket shelves, your best bet for buying sheep milk is still your local farmers’ market. If you are able to buy it, you can freeze sheep milk and unfreeze as needed since its flavor will remain the same.

Can’t get your hands on sheep milk? Then devour your cheese! Some of the most popular Mediterranean cheeses, like feta, Rocquefort, Manchego, Pecorino Romano and ricotta cheese are all made from sheep milk. Sheep yogurt is also becoming more popular, so keep your eyes searching for that in stores.

I'm Johan, a Freelance Content Creator & Content Writer from Bath, helping brands and businesses connect with their ideal clients.

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