Excellent Tips and Home Remedies For Fair Skin


There is a natural inclination towards the fair skin. Many women desire a fair glowing skin, and you could easily get an idea of it by just looking into fairness creams available in the market. There are a lot of natural ingredients that do wonders with skin and can impart you a fair glowing skin. The following are some of the tips that will help you to get fairer skin.

Best Tips How to get fair skin

  • Drink lots of water and stay hydrated. The skin will throw the toxins out and moisturize will also be retained if you supply your skin with pure water.
  • The UV rays of the sun are harmful to the skin. Do not expose your skin too much to the sunlight. Use good sunscreen lotion and apply it thrice a day.
  • Avoid wearing tight clothes as it will hamper the blood circulation in the body. The skin will look dull and dry if the blood supply is less.
  • Smoking is just poison to the skin. Quit Smoking in case if you are addicted to it.
  • Exercise every day at least for an hour. The toxins from the skin will be released out in the form of sweat and urine.
  • Meditate and relax. Live a stress-free life.
  • Use the parlor services once in a while. You can opt for herbal products if you do not wish to go with the chemical oriented products.
  • Add lots of fruits and veggies to your diet. Refrain from junk and oily food.

How to get fair skin

1. Raw Milk

The acid present in milk will clean your skin impurities. Raw milk is also a natural moisturizer. Take 1 tablespoon of raw milk in a glass container. Take a fresh lemon and extract fresh juice out of it. Add 2 drops of lemon juice to the milk. Add a pinch of salt to it. Stir them well and apply it on your face and neck region completely.

Massage your face for ten minutes and allow it to dry. Wash it with cold water. Your skin will be cleansed and smooth. Follow this process every day before going to bed. The results will soon be seen.

2. Almond and Saffron face pack

Almonds are a source of vitamin E, which is a boon to the skin. Soak 5 almonds for few hours in raw milk. Add a few threads of saffron to the milk and leave them to gel well. Peel the almonds in grind all the ingredients and form a thick paste. Apply the almond face pack on the face and neck. Allow it to dry for the next half an hour. Wash it off with cold water. Follow this procedure every day either in the mornings or in the evenings. The skin will be fair and will be glowing.

3. Lemon and turmeric paste

Turmeric has healing properties and it has been used since ancient times as a beauty enhancer product. The brides used to apply turmeric to the entire body to give it a fair look. Take 1 teaspoon of Kasturi turmeric powder and add a few drops of fresh lemon juice to it. Mix them to make a thick paste.

You can also add rose water for freshness. Apply the pack on your face and leave it for twenty minutes. Wash it with cold water. Turmeric will reduce the blemishes and scars while lemon will cleanse your skin and de-tan it. If you are allergic to the ingredients wash it off with water immediately. You can apply it regularly but be careful with turmeric as too much of turmeric can make your skin look yellow.

4. Cucumber and lemon juice

Cucumbers are great for the skin. They have bleaching agents that help in giving a fairer look to the skin. Take a cucumber and peel it. Grate it and extract the juice out of it. Take 2 teaspoons of cucumber juice in a glass bowl. Add 1 teaspoon of freshly extracted lemon juice to it. Mix them well.

Use a cotton ball and apply the juice on the face. Leave it to dry for thirty minutes. Wash it off with cold water. The skin will be clean and dirt free. regular application of cucumbers will give fairer skin. It will also cool your skin. You can also take a cucumber slice and massage your face with it if you have a time constraint.

5. Multani mitti or fullers earth

It is again used widely as a beauty enhancer product. Take one teaspoon of Multani mitti powder in a container. The powder can be easily purchased from the general store. If you want to go with organic Multani mitti, use the solid form of Multani mitti. Soak it in water for few hours before using it. Add 2 teaspoons of yogurt to it. Add 2 teaspoons of honey and 1 teaspoon of lemon juice to it. Mix them all and apply as a face pack.

Allow it to dry on our face for twenty minutes. Wash it with cold water. Your skin will be soft and fair. Apply a moisturizer after this as the skin will tend to dry. Follow this application once a week to get a fair and tan free skin.

I'm Johan, a Freelance Content Creator & Content Writer from Bath, helping brands and businesses connect with their ideal clients.

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