7 DIY Skin Care Remedies That Are Dermatologist-Approved


When you hear the word “DIY skin care home remedies,” you’d probably first think of the “all-natural” rubs and ointments with weird aroma sour grandmas used to make from houseplants. Or those trendy “DIY Skin Care products made from pantry essentials” all over the web, claiming to miraculously improve your skin overnight. Sometimes they work, sometimes they don’t. And sometimes, especially when not done right, they aggravate the problem.

The number one enemy of these sought-after natural remedies? Dermatologists.

According to certified dermatologist Tracy Evans, “Lots of kitchen ingredients are likely to break your skin out, and you could be allergic to these ingredients. For example, using a lemon (which is commonly seen in DIY skin care recipes) can make the skin more sensitive to sunlight, giving you blisters or rashes.

But not all home remedies are a no-no to dermatologists – some homemade solutions are actually approved and recommended by pros. Here are some of the 7 of them.

1. Yogurt

Dry skin can be easily irritated by sunburn, wind, and retinoid-based products. If you want to give your skin a bit of TLC, you can use milk and yogurt instead. The lactic acid acts as a gentle moisturizer and exfoliator.

  • Recipe: Create a mask by mixing together two tablespoons of powdered milk, a ¼ cup of yogurt, and half a teaspoon of honey. Leave the mixture on the face, neck, and chest for 15 minutes and rinse off with room temp water.
  • Use/s: Gentle exfoliator and moisturizer

2. Oatmeal + Honey

Swap your everyday cleanser for gentle oatmeal and honey scrub, a recipe by board-certified dermatologist Ava Shamban, MD. Oatmeal and honey have anti-inflammatory properties. Honey has the added perk of being an antiseptic.

For added exfoliating and moisturizing power, add yogurt and sunflower seed. Yogurt has lactic acid which acts as a mild exfoliator and moisturizer while sunflower seeds pack a punch due to its moisturizing oils and scrubbing properties.

  • Recipe: Using a blender, grind a tablespoon each of oats and sunflower seeds. Add two tablespoons of yogurt and one tablespoon of warm honey. Gently scrub the mixture onto the face, neck, and chest, and let it rest for 3 minutes before rinsing off with warm water.
  • Use/s: Cleanser

3. Egg white + yogurt + avocado

An egg white, yogurt, and avocado mix may seem like a great sweet recipe but it’s not for eating – it’s for clearing your pores. The yogurt’s lactic acid helps loosen up the gunk in your pores, while the egg whites suck it up and dry it out. Finally, avocado is essential in adding moisture and fighting inflammation.

  • Recipe: Create a clear-skin mask by whipping up an egg white, a tablespoon of yogurt, and half an avocado. Let the mixture rest on your face for 10 minutes, then rinse off.
  • Use/s: Pore cleanser

4. Sugar

Want to have a satisfying spa day without leaving your home? The granules of sugar sure do a great job as a gentle exfoliating scrub.

  • Recipe: Mix one-part olive or coconut oil with two parts of sugar.
  • Use/s: Relaxing exfoliating scrub

5. Coconut oil

If you haven’t hopped on the coconut oil bandwagon yet, now is the time to do so. Coconut oil is soothing and anti-inflammatory, and hydrating which makes a perfect all-natural moisturizer and a multi-tasking beauty treatment.

The only time it does more harm than good is when you have acne. The oil may clog the pores and worsen breakouts.

  • Recipe: You can rub it on your skin like a lotion or use it for other DIY skin care remedies.
  • Use/s: All-natural moisturizer

6. Ice

Bloated face and puffy eyes? Put some ice on it. Acne breakouts? Put some ice on it. Skin redness and itchiness? Put some ice on it. Ice is an all-around lifesaver since it’s a vasoconstrictor, which means it decreases blood supply and inflammation.

  • Recipe: Wrap some ice cubes in a paper towel and press it on the skin for a few minutes.
  • Use/s: Quick remedy for acne breakouts, pain, itchiness, and swelling

7. Milk

Ever experienced eating something terribly spicy and you reach for a glass of milk to feel better? The same principle applies to your skin. If you have irritated skin, milk can help soothe the unpleasant sensation.

  • Recipe: Soak a washcloth or gauze with milk. Squeeze it out and place it on the affected area.
  • Use/s: A quick remedy for irritated skin.
I'm Johan, a Freelance Content Creator & Content Writer from Bath, helping brands and businesses connect with their ideal clients.

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