Weekend Beauty Tips Say Good Bye to Dark Patches


Dark patches are the result of the action of ultraviolet rays on the skin. The skin contains melanin, a pigment that protects the skin from ultraviolet light.

The more actively it affects the skin cells, the more active the development of the stain. As a result, pigmentation spots or dark patches appear.

Sometimes the spots on the face appear on the skin of pregnant women. This is due to a sharp change in the level of hormones in the body. As a rule, after childbirth, when the hormonal background normalizes, pigmented spots disappear.

The appearance of pigment spots on the face can be a consequence of inflammatory processes on the skin, for example, acne, cuts, or other skin injuries.

Some cosmetics are also capable of increasing photosensitivity and lead to skin pigmentation. Lime and bergamot oils, retinoic acid, and synthetic flavors are considered to be such agents. Also, several drugs cause skin pigmentation.

Modern cosmetic brands have developed and produced a whole series of various creams and serums, lightening the skin, smoothing the tone of the face, and eliminating unwanted dark patches. When choosing a particular cosmetic product, please note that it includes the following components:

  • Azelaic acid – the acid contained in wheat, barley. This acid is considered a powerful antioxidant used to treat acne and skin disorders associated with skin pigmentation.
  • Hydroquinone – is the most effective substance when eliminating pigment spots on the face. Please note that this substance is unsafe, as it can cause skin irritation, so it is not recommended for usage to pregnant women and breastfeeding women.
  • Arbutin – a more sparing alternative to hydroquinone of natural origin. This substance is extracted from cranberry, mulberry, and bearberry.

How to wash properly

Doctors do not advise washing the face every day, using hot water and soap. It dries the skin, making it tightened. For those who have dark patches on the front, it is advisable to replace face wash with face-frozen preparations of various herbs and other products – the main thing is that they do not cause allergic reactions.

  • Lemon and parsley composition. A medium-sized bunch of parsley should be poured with hot, but not boiling, water, and soak for half an hour. Then strain the broth, pour a little lemon juice into it, half a teaspoon, and freeze it in cubes. The composition not only whitens but also tones up the skin.
  • The decoction of dandelions. Who should pour two hundred grams of dandelion with one glass of steep boiling water and? Cool, drain, and freeze in cubes.
  • Honey-and-vinous tonic. Dissolve a teaspoon of fresh honey in the venous juice. Freeze, and wipe the face with cubes.
  • Salted cabbage pickles and plain milk have good whitening properties. Who can use them to rub the skin with excessive pigmentation?

How to get rid of pigment spots at home: simple recipes

There are practical national recipes for getting rid of dark patches on the face and hands, which you can cook at home from improvised means.

Honey and salt mask. Take just one teaspoon of honey, starch, and sea salt. Prepare a homogeneous mixture. Spread a thin layer on the face, not touching the area of the eyes and lips.

After the first layer dries a bit, but the second, and then the third layer. Soak for half an hour and remove the compound with warm water. Apply every other day. Perform this procedure 15 times.

Another popular remedy for combating dark patches is a cucumber mask. Grind a cucumber and apply it to your skin.

Cucumber tincture for the skin. Grate the skin of the vegetable and add a glass of vodka. Mix the substance thoroughly and put it in a cool dark place. Let it stand for a week, and get a homemade cucumber whitening face lotion.

Also Read: Solutions For Puffiness And Black Circles

A sound effect for getting rid of dark patches is being provided by an elementary wiping of problem areas with the same cucumber, sour milk, or hydrogen peroxide. If the dark patches appear on the body, it will be good to take a bath with celandine.

So, if you have a bit of time for yourself on the weekend, you are welcome to use the recipes mentioned above.

I'm Johan, a Freelance Content Creator & Content Writer from Bath, helping brands and businesses connect with their ideal clients.

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